The ELI is Your New Favorite Assessment
Understand why you are the way you are
It all boils down to one word– energy.
The ELI is an assessment to awaken your potential and reshape your world.
Live your most aligned and authentic life
Create collaborative (and fun!) work and family environments
Be a more effective and inspiring leader within your organization
Experience transformations in your relationships, confidence, and leadership

Two Types of Energy
Anabolic energy is constructive, expanding, fueling, healing, and Growth-oriented.
It is the energy behind creativity, intuition, cooperation, compassion, and caring. Anabolic
energy fuels people’s minds and bodies, positively affects their interactions with others, and
helps them move forward and achieve goals; it is described as the cornerstone of high
performance and is accompanied by a heightened sense of self-awareness.
Catabolic energy, on the other hand, is described as draining, resisting, and
contracting, often arising out of self-protection.
It is unconsciously and appropriately evoked in short-term, stressful situations to enable a fight-or-flight survival response. Remaining in a catabolic state for long periods of time,
however, can be mentally, emotionally, and physically destructive. When people are in a
stressful, catabolic energy state, their self-awareness and ability to see potential options are
diminished, resulting in missed opportunities.

You’ve probably taken personality tests like Myers Briggs, DiSC, and Enneagram, trying to better understand yourself and others. And you’ve probably learned a lot from them. The ELI is different (and transformational!).
Step 1: The assessment
As your Energy Leadership™ Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP), we’ll connect you with the simple online assessment, which takes about 20 minutes to complete.

Step 2: The debrief
Once the results are in, one of our coaches will guide you through a 1:1 ELI debrief session. During this personalized session, we’ll dive deep into your results and uncover a clear path to awakening your potential—and creating a life in alignment with your work and life goals.
The Energy Leadership™ Index (ELI) assessment is the proprietary, research-backed attitudinal assessment tool, created by iPEC.

7 Levels of Energy